Self myofascial release


Self-myofascial release tools, such as foam rollers, trigger point balls, and massage sticks, have become some of the most popular tools used for corrective exercises, fitness, and sports performance. In fact, performing self-myofascial release has become almost a uniform component in the majority of fitness and sports performance programs.

these photos show a few things you may have around your home that you can use to help work out the fascia sticking points.

You can certainly argue the exact physiological benefit of performing self-myofascial release. Ironically we are likely not really “releasing” fascia.However, it’s hard to argue the benefits of self-myofascial release.

There are two main ways that our structure is maintained and our function optimised. One is through the activity of our muscles via the nervous system, this is the ‘myo’ in myofascia, referring to the muscle fibers and their associated nerve supply. The nervous system responds to information coming from both external and internal sources, influencing the state of our muscles and their coordination and ultimately our structure and movement patterns.
The other influence on our structure and function is through the organization and the balance of tensions in the connective tissues. The term ‘fascia’ in myofascia refers to the connective tissue wrappings found in and around the muscle. Muscle fascia is part of one continuous connective tissue organ that includes the ligaments, tendons, wrappings around the bone, the dura and more. In its optimal state fascia is flexible and responsive but when overly stressed reacts by shortening and thickening, eventually restricting movement.

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